National Intelligence Council Report: Megatrends That Matter For Business

by Manish Bapna
December 21 2012

by Manish Bapna
December 21 2012
This post originally appeared on
Two-hundred page policy reports don’t normally sit on a CEO’s bedside table. But the U.S. National Intelligence Council’s (NIC)wide-ranging new assessment of what the world will look like in 2030 is essential reading for smart, forward-looking corporate leaders.
Most international media attention around Global Trends 2030, produced every four years, has focused on its geopolitical analysis—rising China, plateauing United States, and potential failing states. But the private sector should pay careful attention to the megatrends the report highlights. Many relate to the profound sustainability challenges facing a warming world that will housearound 8 billion people in 2030.
Etiquetas: eng, Global Trends 2030, National Intelligence Council, World Resources Institute
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