Farmers bringing message to the Food Crisis Summit in Rome expelled | | | |
Tuesday, 03 June 2008 | |
"Stop corporate control over food!"Rome, Italy - 3 June 2008 Videos on Farmer and civil society leaders carrying out a peaceful action today in Rome, Italy at the FAO Summit on the Food Crisis were forcefully removed from the premises. At around 1:30pm farmers and representatives of civil "We are outraged that such fundamental aspects of the food crisis were nowhere on the agenda for the Summit," says Paul Nicholson, member of the International Coordinating Committee of Via Campesina and one of the farmer leaders who was expelled from the Summit. The 10 people involved in the action carried posters contrasting the record profits of agribusiness corporations during the latested reporting financial quarter of 2008 with the estimated 100 million people in the world who now, alongside 800 million or so others, are hungry because they cannot afford to eat. Profits for Monsanto, the world's largest seed company, were up 108 per cent, while Cargill and Archer Daniel Midlands, the world's largest food traders, registered profit increases of 86 and 42 per cent respectively. Profits for Mosaic, one of the world's largest fertiliser companies, rose 1,134 per cent. The action was necessary to bring to the world's attention that the main causes of the world food crisis are not being dealt with and that the world's food producers-- the farmers, fisherfolk, agricultural workers and indigenous people-- have been shut out of the discussion. In previous high-level FAO events, civil society was given more space to express its views and to have a dialogue with the delegates. For this Summit, civil society was blocked from meaningful participation in the preparation and in the event itself. "We are concerned that this Summit will only reinforce corporate control of the food system and lead to a further destruction of the way of life of indigenous peoples and their survival," says Saul Vicente Vasquez of the International Indian Treaty Council and one of the supporters of the action. "It is time for indigenous people and other food producers to take charge of food policy." Those involved in the action have been meeting with other civil society organisations at the Terra Preta* civil society forum, parallel to the FAO Summit. A video of the action and the suppression of the action will soon be available on During the action, the security guards seized a banner reading: "Stop corporate control over food!". ----
Etiquetas: FAO, Via Campesina, Video
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