sábado, diciembre 20, 2008

Why Newspapers are Failing

There is no getting around the fact that these are tough times for newspapers. The Tribune Company recently filed for bankruptcy and a number of other papers are rumored to be on the selling block. Others have announced cuts in staff and distribution. The Detroit Free Press recently made the decision to limit home delivery to Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, the heaviest advertising days and the most popular papers for readers. But it’s not only print that is suffering. For the first time in 25 years National Public Radio is laying off staff to repair a $23 million deficit. The company will eliminate 7% of its workforce and drop two of its programs, “Day to Day” and “News & Notes.” At the same time, web based media and independent media are taking up the slack.

But why are the big media failing?

Today on GRITtv we speak with Amy Goodman, the host of Democracy Now!, John McCarther, the Publisher of Harper’s Magazine, and Brian Unger an original contributor to the Daily Show who provides regular commentary for NPR.

It's not just the end of an era: The rise of the web and the death of print. It is in a sense the end of truth. In the run up to the Iraq war the media served as a mouthpiece for the administration's lies. Now the public are looking elsewhere.

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