Maduro, two years after his election

Despite the economic war on Venezuela staged by the country’s U.S.-backed far-right and the ongoing aggressions by Washington, President Nicolas Maduro has succeeded in reducing extreme poverty to about 5.6 percent, building hundreds of thousands of homes for low-income families, maintaining unemployment below 5.5 percent, and fending off destabilization efforts. His government also recently successfully thwarted a coup that was being planned by the Venezuelan right-wing opposition with assistance from Washington. Under Maduro, crime in Venezuela has been reduced, inequality has diminished and social spending has increased considerably. Also, human rights has improved in the country, while corruption and impunity have been confronted. Maduro enjoys a high-level of support from Venezuelans, as well as from international organizations and nations around the world. This Tuesday, marks two years since his democratic victory. He was sworn in April 19, 2013, after having been acting president for over a year.
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