Espero que el siguiente informe
sea una advertencia a aquellos
independentistas que creen que los tratados de libre
comercio son una especie de panacea. Yo no puedo
entender cómo gente que se declara antiimperialista
puede despotricar contra el imperialismo y el
neoliberalismo y a la misma vez celebrar con
entusiasmo las supuestas virtudes de la globalización
y el mal llamado libre comercio.
En esta época, en que algunos líderes y pensadores
independentistas parecen estar buscando afanosamente
para sus propuestas económicas la aprobación y
bendición de la misma lumpenburguesía criolla que nos
trata como ganado humano- apostando a que una
burguesía nacional nos llevará a la libertad- sería
mejor escuchar a organizaciones como la Vía Campesina
y el MST brasileño., ICCO
Alternative Regionalisms Debate Paper
The EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement Seven Years On:
A warning to the global South
Rodolfo Aguirre Reveles and Manuel Pérez-Rocha Loyo
June 2007
When the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into force in 2000, the then EU trade commissioner Pascal Lamy touted its significance for the future of Europe’s trade strategy. It has since served as a model for further Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPAs) between the EU and Latin American countries and regions. Seven years on, though, the impact of the EU-Mexico FTA is clear. Instead of the promised economic and social benefits, the treaty has left the Mexican state unable to implement policies to promote local small and medium size companies. Mexico’s finance sector is now at the mercy of EU capital, while across various economic sectors the FTA has worked to the benefit of European transnational corporations and to the detriment of Mexican industries. The Mexican example should serve as a warning to other countries in the global South, argue Rodolfo Aguirre Reveles and Manuel Perez Rocha. Where reciprocal trade and investment agreements are made between highly unequal economic actors, these damage national and local economic development and benefit only a handful of transnational corporations.
- Introduction
- The Global Accord Between Mexico and the European Union: Who Benefits From The EU-Mexico FTA?
- Mexico-European Union Free Trade Agreement Experiences: Promises And Realities
source: TNI
Etiquetas: Carmelo
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