viernes, junio 08, 2012

This American Life: Crime Scene

Crime Scene

Originally aired 07.07.2000
Every crime scene hides a story. In this week's show, we hear about crime scenes and the stories they tell.
Medical Examiner D.J. Drakovic, in Pontiac, Michigan, explains how every crime scene is like a novel. (4 minutes)
Forensic Criminologist Enrico Togneri in Nevada explains exactly what can be learned from evidence on a crime scene: What can be learned from the shape of a blood stain or a piece of cheese. (4 minutes)
Reporter Nancy Updike spends two days with Neal Smither, who cleans up crime scenes for a living, and comes away wanting to open his Los Angeles franchise, despite the gore—or maybe because of it. (13 minutes) Song: "Papa Don't Take No Mess, Pt. 1", James Brown
Sometimes criminals return to the scene of their misdeeds—to try to make things right, to try to undo the past. Katie Davis reports on her neighbor Bobby, who returned to the scene where he robbed people and conned coach Little League. (21 minutes) Song: "Get on the Right Track", Ray Charles
Actor Matt Malloy reads a short story by Aimee Bender, from her book The Girl in the Flammable Skirt: Stories. (12 minutes)

Photo: Yumi Kimura

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