![]() | NBICS, Other Convergences, Ableism and the Culture of Peaceby Gregor WolbringApril 15, 2007 |
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The concept of a culture of peace is central to UNESCO and the United Nations -- as shown by a 1998 UN resolution (A/Res/52/13, 15 January 1998, paragraph 2 ), the UNESCO Culture of Peace webpage, the Ten Bases For A Culture of Peace and UNESCO's Pledge for Peace. In April 2007 the UNESCO executive was given a report titled "A Strategic Framework for the Future of the Sciences in UNESCO” (1) which talks about reorienting UNESCO science programs to contribute more to poverty reduction; peace; better living standards (especially for traditionally excluded segments of the population); empowerment of people; dialogue and integration of mainstream science with traditional, local and indigenous sciences of diverse cultures; diversity; sustainability; and distributive justice.
How will the language in the culture of peace documents and the report be interpreted with the interventions made possible by new and emerging technologies? How will the language be used with respect to:
- the enhancement of animals (2) (which will redefine the relationship between humans and animals);
- immortality and longevity research (which could lead to intergenerational strife);
- molecular manufacturing (which will lead to a total collapse of the trade system as we know it today); and
- new products that can modify the appearance and functioning of the human body beyond existing norms and species-typical boundaries which will lead to self-identity and ability security problems (see my column on NBICS and Human Security).
Will the report and language of the culture of peace move people to intervene in the nanoscale science and technology arms and military products race that is already developing? (4) So far, policies around new and emerging technologies have failed to establish a culture of peace, poverty reduction, sustainable development, and dialogue among civilizations. Why is that?
I think ableism is at the root of or at least is a major contributing factor to why we do not make much progress in these domains. Many ‘isms’ converge in the concept of ableism, and one has to deal with ableism if one wants to achieve among other things a culture of peace, poverty reduction, a better situation in low income countries, equity and equality for women and other marginalized groups, sustainable development, and a dialogue among civilizations.
The Convergence Concept of Ableism
Ableism is a set of beliefs, processes and practices that produce -- based on our abilities -- a particular understanding of ourselves, our body, and our relationship with others of our species, other species, and our environment. It includes being judged by others. Ableism exhibits a favouritism for certain abilities that are projected as essential while labelling real or perceived deviations from (or lack of) these ‘essential’ abilities as a diminished state. This leads or contributes to the justification of a variety of other isms (5-7).
Every ism has two components: something we cherish and something we do not. The first, second or both parts may be emphasized.
Ableism reflects the sentiment of certain social groups and social structures to cherish and promote certain abilities such as productivity and competitiveness over others such as empathy, compassion and kindness (favouritism of abilities) (5-7). Ableism and favouritism of certain abilities is rampant today and throughout history. Ableism shaped and continues to shape areas such as human security (3) and social cohesion (8), social policies, relationships among social groups and between individuals and countries, and relationships between humans and non-humans, and humans and their environment.(6) Ableism is one of the most societally entrenched and accepted isms and one of the biggest enablers for other isms (e.g. nationalism, speciesism, sexism, racism, anti-environmentalism, consumerism, GDPism, superiority-ism….). Ableism related to productivity and economic competitiveness is the basis upon which many societies are judged, and it is often seen as a prerequisite for progress.
The direction and governance of science and technology and different forms of ableism have always been inter-related.
Ableism will become more prevalent and severe with the anticipated ability of new and emerging sciences and technologies:
- to generate human bodily enhancements in many shapes and forms with an accompanying ability divide and the appearance of the external and internal techno poor disabled; (5)
- to generate, modify and enhance non-human life forms;
- to separate cognitive functioning from the human body; and
- to modify humans to deal with the aftermath of anti-environmentalism.
We can already observe a changing perception of ourselves, our body, and our relationships with others of our species, other species and our environment. New forms of ableism are now appearing which are often presented as a solution to the consequences of other ableism based isms (transhumanization of ableism, for example) (5;6). The cognitive enhancement of animals is now seen by some as a way to eliminate certain forms of speciesism. (2) Transhumanization of the human body may be seen as a solution for coping with the climate change. This could become popular if we reach a point where the severe consequences of climate change can no longer be prevented.
The Choice is Yours
Judgment based on abilities is so ingrained in every culture that its use for exclusionary or otherwise negative purposes is seldom questioned or even recognized. In fact, groups who are marginalized due to some form of ableism often use that very sentiment to demand a change in status (we are as able as you are; we can be as able as you are with accommodations).
Dealing with ableism is essential if we want to diminish, reverse, or prevent the conflict that may result from the disruptive potential of many nanoscale science and technology products. Without dealing with the tenets of ableism one can not achieve poverty reduction; peace; better living standards (especially for traditionally excluded segments of the population); empowerment of people; dialogue among civilizations; dialogue and integration of mainstream science with traditional, local and indigenous sciences of diverse cultures; diversity; sustainability; and distributive justice. Without tackling ableism, no real and durable sustainable equity and equality for any country, group, or individual will be achieved.
I propose the new field of Ability Studies (6;7;9-10) under which a variety of issues and groups could converge -- a discipline where the preceding challenges could be studied.
Ability Studies investigates: (a) the social, cultural, legal, political, ethical and other considerations by which any given ability may be judged, and which leads to favouring one ability over another; (b) the impact and consequence of favouring certain abilities and rejecting others; (c) the consequences of ableism in its different forms, and its relationship with and impact on other isms; (d) the impact of new and emerging technologies on ableism and consequent favouritism towards certain abilities and rejection of others; and (e) identification of the abilities that would lead to the most beneficial scenario for the maximum number of people in the world.
Ability Studies includes among others:
- the traditional disabled
- the techno poor disabled (5;11)
- people who gain enhancements (9)
- other non human targets for ability modifications
- new life forms (12)
and looks at areas such as:
- ableism supported prejudices
- ableism differences between cultures
- ableism-driven judgement of countries
- ableism and development
- influence of ableism on numerous concepts such as biological diversity, cultural diversity, the culture of peace, and interpretation of documents treaties, and laws.
Gregor Wolbring is a biochemist, bioethicist, disability/vari-ability/ability studies scholar, and health policy and science and technology governance researcher at the University of Calgary. He is a member of the Center for Nanotechnology and Society at Arizona State University; Part Time Professor at Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Canada; Member CAC/ISO - Canadian Advisory Committees for the International Organization for Standardization section TC229 Nanotechnologies; Member of the editorial team for the Nanotechnology for Development portal of the Development Gateway Foundation; Chair of the Bioethics Taskforce of Disabled People's International; and former Member of the Executive of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (2003-2007 maximum terms served). He publishes the Bioethics, Culture and Disability website, moderates a weblog for the International Network for Social Research on Disability, and authors a weblog on NBICS and its social implications.
Ableism against traditional disabled people |
This form of ableism reflects the obsession with Homo sapiens-typical normative body structure and functioning, leading to discrimination against disabled people perceived as impaired or less able. This type of ableism is supported by the medical, deficiency, impairment categorization of disabled people (medical model) (6;9;11) and rejects the ‘variation of being’ biodiversity notion/categorization of disabled people (social model). This leads to a focus of ‘fixing’ the person (medical model/medical determinant) or preventing more of such people (medical model/social determinants) and ignores the acceptance and accommodation of such people in their variation of being (social model/social determinant) (6;9). |
Ableism against traditional non-disabled people |
Ableism has also long been used to justify hierarchies of rights and discrimination between social groups, and the exclusion of people who are not classified as ‘disabled persons’. To give just a few examples… Sexism Racism/Ethnicism Caste-ism Ageism |
Other forms of ableism |
Transhumanism of ableism (generic form) (6) Transhumanism of ableism related to humans (5-7;11;17) One transhumanized form of ableism is the set of beliefs, processes and practices that see the enhancement of human body abilities beyond typical Homo sapiens boundaries as essential. It sees all human bodies as limited, defective and in need of constant improvement. It favors abilities that transcend typical human functioning and perceives humans as deficient if they are not enhanced.(6) There are three kinds of transhumanization through body ability enhancements: (a) external -- by shaping the environment (transhumanized social determinants); (b) internal reversal -- by modifying bodily structures in a reversible fashion (transhumanized medical determinant); and (c) internal non-reversal -- by modifying bodily structures in a non-reversible fashion (transhumanized medical determinant). All of these interventions are viewed as therapeutic (transhumanization of medicalization) (9). Humans have modified their environment for a long time, in order to gain abilities that are not inherent in their body. This ‘ability’ to change the environment (transhuman social determinants) is viewed as the basis for the success of -- and essential for -- the Homo sapiens species (transhumanization of ableism). However this is no longer seen as sufficient. In tune with the belief that the human body is deficient (transhuman medical model) -- which previously led to the design of external tools to extend the abilities of Homo sapiens (transhuman social determinants) -- we are moving increasingly towards changing the body itself to expand its abilities beyond those that are typical for Homo sapiens (transhuman medical determinant). Internal transhuman interventions are consistent with the trend towards medicalization of the human body -- where variations in its structure and functioning are now more often labelled as deviations and diseases -- with the result that ‘healthy’ people feel ‘unhealthy,’ and bad about their bodily structure and functioning’ (2). The transhumanized version of ableism elevates this medicalization dynamic to its ultimate endpoint; namely, to see enhancement beyond species-typical body structures and functioning as a therapeutic intervention (transhumanization of medicalization) (9). Enhancement medicine is a new field that provides remedy and maintenance through surgery, pharmaceuticals, implants and other bodily interventions. Science and technology is seen as having the potential to free everyone from the "confinement of their genes" (genomic freedom) and the "confinement of their biological bodies" (morphological freedom) through interventions that change bodily structures. External interventions that shape the environment are no longer seen as sufficient (6;9). Ableism-driven speciesism (6) Transhumanized version of ableism related to non-human species (6) This is all to often the approach. Instead of questioning the tenets of ableism, one tries to find ways for a disadvantaged group to become as able. “I can be as able as you are, I am as able as you are” can be heard quite often, and is used here as a solution for the maltreatment of some animals. This version of ableism favors cognitive abilities. There are other examples. Besides racism and speciesism, favouritism towards cognitive abilities plays out in the developmental stages of humans whereby humans prior to birth and for a certain period afterwards are seen as not having full human rights due to their lack of certain abilities. Lack of certain cognitive abilities is also used as an argument to deny some rights to ‘cognitively impaired humans.’ This same logic is also evident with respect to artificial intelligence, which may ultimately gain equal status to humans when it is seen as cognitively able. Human rights might then become an obsolete concept, once rights are based not on the fact of being human but on something having a certain level of cognitive abilities (sentient rights). If it is eventually possible to separate cognitive abilities and consciousness from the human biological body, the resulting entity would gain rights by itself -- independent of the body. Ableism-driven anti-environmentalism (6) We might see the appearance of a climate change-driven appeal for a transhumanized version of ableism, where transhumanization of humans is seen as a solution for coping with climate change. This could become especially popular if we reach a so-called ‘point of no return,’ where severe climate change consequences can no longer be prevented. Gross domestic product (GDP)-ism (6) GDP is used by economists to judge the ‘positive’ advances of an economy but it can’t be used to judge living standards, social development, social well-being and the level of satisfaction of people in a society have with their lives. It does not show the gaps between haves and have-nots. The inclination towards a GDP-based measure is slowly changing. While we still measure the success of countries based on yearly GDP, we are also seeing greater use of social indicators to measure the social well-being of citizens. A recent (September 2006) Deutsche Bank research paper highlights nicely why measuring GDP is not enough, and identifies measures that can be used to characterize well-being. The dimensions of well-being include income, education, health, the role of women, environment, social peace, diversity and welfare. The Deutsche Bank research paper refers to the United Nations’ annual Human Development Index (HDI), the Weighted Index of Social Progress (WISP), the Happy Planet Index (HPI), the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), the Economic Living Standard Index (ELSI), and the National Wellbeing Index which is published by a variety of countries. Korea publishes a comprehensive statistical yearbook which includes 492 social indicators in 13 areas. According to the research paper, the above measures still do not show how happy people are or how satisfied they are with their lives. It is not surprising that economists predisposed to measuring GDP have different priorities and views of what is needed than people who are focused on social well-being and life satisfaction. Consumerism Superiority-ism |
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