Monsanto is going down

Millions Against Monsanto: On the Road to Victory

“The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all.” - Jimmy Cliff
After a year of maximum profits, record stock prices, the defeat of a major GMO labeling campaign in California, pro-industry court decisions, and a formidable display of political power in Washington, D.C., the Biotech Bully from St. Louis now finds itself on the defensive.
It is no exaggeration to say that Monsanto has become the most hated corporation in the world.
Here’s just one reason Monsanto is in the hot seat. According to Green Medical News:
“ . . . “within the scientific community and educated public alike, there is a growing awareness that Roundup herbicide, and its primary ingredient glyphosate, is actually a broad spectrum biocide, in the etymological sense of the word: "bio" (life) and "cide" (kill) – that is, it broadly, without discrimination kills living things, not just plants.”
And there are so many more. Thanks to all of you, we’re making headway in the battle to reclaim our food system from the biotech bullies and Big Food. Let’s keep going by showing our support for I-522, Washington State’s GMO labeling initiative.
Etiquetas: eng, Monsanto, Organic Consumers Association, Ronnie Cummins
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