sábado, noviembre 01, 2014

FALN, Homeland Security, Universidad de Maryland


Estudio que hizo la Universidad de Maryland para el Departamento de Homeland Security sobre las FALN en 2012.
En la página 8 dice lo siguiente sobre la muerte de Albizu Campos: "Albizu experienced declining health in prison, dying in 1965." Para estos pájaros, no hay nada de interés en las circunstancias de la enfermedad y muerte de Albizu, ni tampoco existe el terrorismo en contra del movimiento independentista. Aun así, pretenden que su estudio es minucioso y objetivo.

Executive Summary

This qualitative case study describes how law enforcement intelligence measures were used to counter the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN), a Puerto Rican clandestine paramilitary organization of Marxist-Leninist orientation that emerged in New York in 1974 and claimed responsibility for over 100 attacks in the United States and Puerto Rico (primarily in New York, Chicago, and Washington, DC). From a counterterrorism perspective, this study is of particular interest for two reasons. First, the FALN provides a unique example of a homegrown terrorist group that was particularly violent during the period when it was active, but eventually desisted. Second, a range of different strategies was used to counter the FALN threat, including judicial and legal, political and governance, and police and prison systems, which may have variously affected the activities and organization of this terrorist group. 

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