sábado, julio 11, 2009

From the Food First web site:

The Farmers’ Organizations of Africa Open Letter to G8

The major world powers have created the food and climate crises and should not be the ones to decide global food policies.

The four regional networks of farmers’ organizations (EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, UMAGRI) that represent tens of millions of African Farmers have sent an open letter to the G8. They say that the major world powers should not be the ones to decide global food policies. These countries have created the climate and financial crises, and they have implemented the structural adjustment policies and created the Bretton Woods financial institutions that have allowed multinational corporations to hobble rural people in Africa.

The G8 are thus largely responsible for the current global food crisis and now they want to “solve” it with industrial export agriculture, GMOs, and chemical inputs. This open letter declares that it is time for Africans to take charge of agricultural and trade policies, and recognize family farming as the route to food sovereignty in Africa.

African_Farmers_G8_Declaration.pdf147.37 KB


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