lunes, febrero 08, 2016

Puerto Rico has been fighting Wal-Mart at least since 2001, Carmelo Ruiz

PUERTO RICO: Local Businesses Threatened by Megastores

SAN JUAN, May 23 2001 (IPS) - Locally-owned small and medium-sized businesses are being displaced by foreign-owned megastore chains, such as Wal- Mart, with nefarious consequences for the local economy, warns the Puerto Rico United Retailers Association (Centro Unido de Detallistas/CUD).

The organisation, which represents close to 20,000 businesses that provide a combined total of over 200,000 jobs, is fighting the proliferation of these giant retail outlets through public education campaigns in the media, legislative lobbying and litigation.
The CUD has sometimes sued Puerto Rico government agencies, accusing them of not enforcing their own rules when it comes to construction permits for giant retailers.
This Caribbean island, which measures 100 miles from east to west, currently has 22 million square feet of shopping malls, not counting hallways and parking lots, according to Estudios Técnicos, a local consulting firm.

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