martes, octubre 19, 2004


Nosotros los ecologistas nos hemos dedicado a pintar cuadros apocalípticos y escenarios nefastos. Yo mismo me debo declarar culpable de ese pecadillo. Quizás deberíamos dedicar más tiempo y recursos a delinear y trazar la sociedad ecológica a la que aspiramos, en otras palabras hablar más de soluciones, propuestas y alternativas- agricultura ecológica, energías renovables, ecoturismo, etc.

Después de todo, Martin Luther King hizo historia con la frase "I have a dream". Pero los ecologistas usualmente decimos "I have a nightmare". No en balde espantamos a la gente con nuestro "gloom and doom".

El Apollo Program se dedica precisamente a educar a la gente sobre el calentamiento global, no con cuentos de horror y portentos funestos sino con una visión positiva e inspiradora de independencia energética y empleos pa' tó el mundo.


We environmentalists have dedicated ourselves to weaving apocalyptic futures and horrendous worst case scenarios. (I myself must plead guilty to this). Maybe we should devote more time and resources to visualizing and describing the ecological society that we aspire to create. In other words, let's talk about solutions, proposals and alternatives- ecological agriculture, renewable energies, ecotourism, etc.

In a very valuable recent document on global warming, authors Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus point out that Martin Luther King made history with the phrase "I have a dream". They ask if he would have made the same impact by saying "I have a nightmare". No wonder we enviros scare people off with our constant gloom and doom.

This is why I feel very uplifted by the work of the APOLLO ALLIANCE, which educates people on the issue of global warming without horror stories but with a positive and inspiring vision of energy independence and jobs for all.


Three Million New Jobs. Freedom from Foreign Oil. photo photo

The Apollo Alliance for Good Jobs and Clean Energy

The Apollo Alliance is building a broad coalition within the labor, environmental, business, urban, and faith communities in support of good jobs and energy independence. The Alliance is developing public education campaigns and communications strategies to link allies and build a national constituency for a bold, broad based, and immediate program of public policy.


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